West Valley Christian Alliance Church

Ministry Position Opening:  Associate Pastor of English Ministry

Position Description

This position reports to the Senior Pastor and oversees the shepherding, planning, training, and development of the English Ministry at WVCAC.


  • To carry out church vision and mission under the guidance and direction of Senior Pastor.
  • To set goals and action plans and oversee the development of English Ministry, including both adults and youths.
  • To provide spiritual leadership and pastoral care for the English Congregation.
  • To promote and organize evangelistic outreach to the community or other targeted English speaking people groups in line with church vision and mission.
  • To provide biblical teaching to the English Congregation through sermons and teaching in Sunday School, fellowships and small groups.
  • To conduct baptism for new believers and administer monthly communion for English Congregation.


  • Education – Master of Divinity or equivalent Master level degrees from an accredited evangelical seminary in the U.S.
  • Ministry Experience – 5-10 years of full time pastoral experience in a multicultural church setting.
  • Ministry Credential – Preferably already licensed and ordained by the C&MA. Otherwise, candidates must be able to meet the licensing and ordination requirements of the C&MA.
  • Language Capability – Candidate must be fluent in writing and speaking English. The capability to connect with diverse cultures with other languages is a plus.
  • Teamwork – Willing to follow directions and able to work with other pastoral staff and lay ministry leaders.
  • Faith and Belief – Agreement with the doctrines, mission and core values of the C&MA, and the willing promotion and support of its work.
  • Shepherding and Leadership – Competency in the knowledge, teaching and preaching of God’s Word, and abilities to make disciples, develop teams, create and carry out action plans.
To inquire about this position, please email a resume and a brief spiritual autobiography to the WVCAC Pastoral Search Committee at psc.wvcac@gmail.com.