Prayer Wall

主 啊 , 求 你 側 耳 聽 你 僕 人 的 祈 禱  和 喜 愛 敬 畏 你 名 眾 僕 人 的 祈 禱

尼 希 米 記 1:11

“Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name.”

Nehemiah 1:11

We strive to create a community of prayer supporting fellow co-workers in Christ and brothers and sisters in our Alliance families.

How can we pray for you, your family and your ministry? 

Let’s walk in this journey of faith together.


Your prayer request will be shared by the CCA Executive Committee ONLY, we will not share with the public without your consent by checking off "share with public".




In New York, on March 10th, 2021, our beloved Rev. Andrew Leung has stepped from this world into eternity at the age of 98. Our hearts are saddened at his passing.

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     It was in the prime of his ministry that I came to know Rev. Andrew Leung, while I was in the infant stage of my ministry as a pastor. Subsequently, I was only able to see Rev. Leung once a year during the CCA conferences. 

     At first, I was puzzled by his Chinese name. Literally it means “To Gain (得) people (人) (for God)”.  Looking at his English name, I found no direct association between the Chinese and English. But over the years, the Rev. Andrew Leung I came to know is exactly like his name.  “Gaining People” or “Winning Souls” was his sole purpose in life.  It finally dawned on me that his English namesake, Andrew, was the first “Soul Winner” who led his brother, the great Apostle Peter, to Jesus (John 1:40-41).   This passion for the Lord and for the lost is contagious to me and to everyone who comes to know Rev. Andrew Leung (梁得人牧師).

     Rev. Andrew Leung is also a soft spoken gentleman with very few words.  But his warm, firm handshake and his unwavering eyes of support and affirmation are absolutely unforgettable.  I “hear” from his eyes a clear message of confidence that he believes in us, the generations-to-come, for the furtherance of the Great Commission.

     We thank God for Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Leung.  We are thankful for the models and beautiful foot prints they both have left for us. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Leung are indeed treasures for both the Christian and Missionary Alliance and the Chinese Churches Association of the Christian and Missionary Alliance!


Pastor KC Wong
Senior Pastor of Silicon Valley Alliance Church
President Chinese Churches Association of the US Christian and Missionary Alliance
Board of Director of the US Christian and Missionary Alliance

Prayer Request

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

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