

The Library at the Chinese Alliance Center

43-29 162nd Street, Flushing, NY 11358


如有任何詢問,請聯絡 Any inquries, please contact:library@uscca.org


CAC 圖書室從神學院收集書籍以供借閱和參考。
每人最多可以借出 5 本書。書籍可外借1個月。最多可以續借 2 次。

借書表格 Borrow Form: Borrow Form


CAC Library is a library with a collection of books from seminaries. They are available for borrowing as well as for reference.
You may borrow up to 5 books at a time. Books may be borrowed for 1 month. You may renew circulating books up to 2 times.
1. 從資料庫中選擇一本還沒有借出的書,從書架上拿取
2. 工具書不能外借
3. 每人最多可借出五本書
4. 掃描二維碼或點擊網絡鏈接獲取「借閱表格」
5. 填寫表格並遞交


還書表格 Return Form: Return Form

Procedure to BORROW books:
1. Choose a book that is available from the database then take it from the shelf.
2. Reference books are not available from borrowing.
3. The maximum number allowed for borrowed books is 5.
4. Scan the QR Code or clink on the Link for the BORROW form.
5. Fill out the form and submit it.
1. 掃描二維碼或點擊「還書表格」網絡鏈接
2. 填寫表格並遞交
3. 將歸還書籍放入“歸還”箱。請不要把它們放回書架上

Procedure to RETURN books:

1. Scan the QR Code or click on the link for the RETURN form.
2. Fill out the form and submit it.
3. Place the books into the RETURN box. Please DO NOT put them back on the shelf.


1. 掃描二維碼或點擊網絡鏈接獲取「借閱表格」
2. 填寫表格,在續借格上選「是」,然後遞交

Procedure to RENEW books: 

1. Scan the QR Code or clink the link for the BORROW form.
2. Fill out the form, check the RENEW box, and submit it.