CCA Missionaries Update Fall 2017


我 的 恩 典 夠 你 用 的   因 為 我 的 能 力 是 在 人 的 軟 弱 上 顯 得 完 全

華聯會宣教同工秋季快訊 2017
CCA Missions Workers
Fall Update


Please join CCA Missions Committee in supporting and praying for our workers around the world.
May God continue to guide and protect them. Thank you!


感謝主! 青少年團契在Christian的帶領下人數增加,他們逐步認識信仰,請為青少年事工禱告。感恩學人團契陸續有新學生加入,充滿活力地事奉的主。李牧師和師母在福音中心開始小組聚會,牧養上班族群,求神使弟兄姊妹更多渴慕神的話語。他們也在每月的兩週五到柏林附近的小鎮幫助帶領一批在大學就讀的中國學生,求神繼續祝福學生工作。

Praise God that He increased the number since youth minister Christian has started serving, many has grown deeper in Christ. Please continue to pray for the youth ministry. Thankful for new students joining the student fellowship, they are full of energy in serving the Lord. Pastor Lee and Mrs. Lee have started hosting a small group at the Gospel Center to minister the young professionals. Pray for God to fire up brothers and sisters’ desire for His words. They are also ministering a group of University students from China at a nearby small town Cottbus on Fridays twice a month. May God to continue to bless the student ministry.

感謝神引領吳牧師一家到德國華人宣道會多蒙恩典堂服侍。 吳牧師和家人剛搬到多蒙。 請為他們生活的適應及與教會領䄂一起服侍祈禱。

Praise the Lord for leading Pastor Samuel Wu and his family to serve at the Chinese Alliance Dortmund Church in Germany. Pastor Wu and his family have just moved to Dortmund. Please pray for adjustment of living and serving along with the leadership.


感謝神的恩典!馬德里希望泉華人宣道會有15位弟兄姊妹接受洗禮! 求神加力給同工繼續成立初信造就班栽培跟進,培訓門徒和同工!

Thank God for His grace! 15 brothers and sisters got baptized at the Madrid Chinese Alliance Church. Pray that God to grant His servants strength to conduct follow up class to help them grow and mature as His disciples and workers!


S姊妹已到了這國家有一年!感謝父神一直信實,祂總以足夠的恩典和鼓勵祝福她。 感謝神讓她與一些當地朋友建立更密切的關係,能跟她們分享她經歷神的故事。求神給S姊妹能用當地語言與鄰居交談。請為當地朋友禱告,讓他們更深體會及經歷父神。並請為社區中心禱告,讓能繼續運作,團隊有信心倚靠神。 

Sister S has been in the country for a year now! Thank you Father for being so faithful and always bless her with sufficient grace and encouragement. Thank God for letting her establish closer relationship with a few local friends where she was able to share His stories in her life. Please pray for S to be able to use the local language to converse with the neighbors. Pray for S’ local friends to know and experience our Father on a closer and personal level. Please also lift up the Center that it will be able to continue its operation and the team’s faith on relying on our Father.


Pastor Wang and his family visited the elders and congregation of the Tel Aviv Chinese Alliance Church in mid August. Praise the Lord for His provision. They are currently arranging the relocation to TA for long-term ministry. Please pray for the move and visa application as well as for God to grant unity in building His church.

Most of the members in Chinese Alliance Church in Haifai are undergraduate or postgraduate students.  Thank God for the workers’ faithfulness in conducting Bible study class and Bible English class. May the Lord work among these young believers so that they will be able to carry out the Christian faith after they return to their home country. Elder Wong twisted his knee recently, and Mrs Wong’s hearing ability seems to get worse.  Please remember their need for healing.


Thank God for providing H family a safe return  to the field. Thank you for His mercy that they were able to visit a dying middle-age brother who accepted Christ two years ago and his days are counting. They also ministered to his young wife. Brother H hopes to cooperate with the partners on the hill and coordinate with teachers from the outside to develop workers, who will support the small buildings in the poverty-stricken regions, spread the good news among people of different cultures and ethnicities. Please pray that Father to open the way, guide them, and grant them perseverance in encountering difficulties and obstacles in this tiring process.

感謝主,台中雲林縣四湖堂剛剛在夏天擧辦兒童夏令營和音樂營。 感謝鳳儀和宣教士夫婦(D&R)忠心的擺上,請繼續為他們禱告。請求神為教會興起工人及栽培領袖。

Praise the Lord, the Chinese Alliance Church in Taichung just had the kids camp and music camp in Summer. Thank God for Fung Yee and the missionary couple (D&R)'s faithful serving at Taiwan. Please continue to pray for them. Please pray that God to raise up leaders and servants for the church.

Thankful for a couple of brothers and sisters from Vancouver serving at Panama City with a variety of ministries, such as worship and praise, sharing, bible study, children craft time, skit, health talks, cooking classes and visitations.


V姊妹已經開始了新學期。 感謝主預備一對夫婦讓她在尋找住宿時居住,並感謝神為她預備一個距離校園4英里的房間和一個可愛的室友/房東!請為她禱告能專注並有體力和精神應付學業,同時也在調整重新回國的生活。 她很感謝主供應第一個學期的學費。請為她代求,她㠪尋求一個RA / TA職位,並尋找導師來指導她的研究題目。 

Sister V has started her first semester. Thank God for providing a couple who took her in while she was looking for a place to stay, and thank God for providing a room that is 4 miles from campus and a lovely roommate/landlady! Please pray for her focus, stamina, and energy to get into a full load of classes in the midst of continual re-entry adjustments. She is also thankful for God’s provision for her first semester’s tuition. Please pray for her as she is seeking for a RA/TA position and searching for a mentor to guide her research idea. 

Praise the Lord for providing sister K the finance to travel and visit field workers. It's been challenging both working and studying at the same time, praise the Lord for sustaining her through the classes in the member care program. Please pray for her to spend regular and quality time with Him. As she is ready to explore the next step, please ask the Lord for clear guidance.
Contact us:
Rev. James Chung
Associate Executive Director
US Chinese Churches Association
Please do not forward this newsletter without permission. 
Thank you and God bless.